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To Report a Bereavement לדווח על שכול

Please use this form or call 08-3740241

נא להשתמש בטופס זה או להתקשר לטלפון 08-3740241

 .תודה על נכונותך להשלים מנין או להכין ארוחה לבית אבל. דפי הרשמה בקישורים למטה

Thank you for attending a minyan or providing meals for the Shiva home.

Signup sheets are in the links below.

Please check this page regularly for all updates and changes about Shiva arrangements,
especially if a link you tried was not yet active. 

Bereavement Notices הודעות שכול

  • We are grieved to announce the passing of our dear member Jenny Kartin z”l, the wife of our member Yecheskel Kartin and the mother of our member Batya Gross.

    The funeral was held on Sunday, 9.3, at 12:00 in Rehovot.

    The family will be sitting shiva from Sunday 9.3, through Thursday evening, 13.3, at Jenny and Yecheskel’s home, 15/5 Haraz. The number there is 08-947-1947.
    If you can help with food, click on the meal link on this page and sign up.
    PLEASE be advised that the family strongly requests that food be prepared in moderation, and prefers pareve or dairy meals.

    Yecheskel will rest between 14:00 – 16:00, but otherwise visiting hours are unstructured throughout the day and evening.

    Yecheskel can be reached at 053-7716470, or at .
    Batya can be reached at 054-4947194, or at .
    Other family phone numbers are:
    Srulik: 054-5664891;  Tammy: 050-7475485;  Moshe: 050-5646052
    Dafna Kartin (for all questions): 050-892-0700
    Davening times are: Shacharit at 7:00, Mincha at 17:35, followed by Ma’ariv.
    On Thursday (תענית אסתר) Mincha will be at 17:20, Ma'ariv at 18:00 followed by a reading of the Megilah.

  • Relevant and timely updates will be posted here; please check regularly for changes and new information.                                                                         .המקום ינחם אותם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים

Meals for Shiva Homes ארוחות לבתי שבעה

If you can help, please sign up via one of the links and indicate what meal(s) you can bring (scroll down and click on the "Take" link for any date still available). If you have difficulties, please contact Omri Flicker at 058.628.7976

Fri, 28 March 2025 כ״ח אדר תשפ״ה